Marble mini cakes

Marble mini cakes with Nutella®

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For 15 portions

  • 225 gr Nutella

Marble cakes ingredients:

  • 115 gr butter
  • 230 gr sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 ml heavy cream
  • 180 gr all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 85 gr chocolate
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
Cakes / Mini Cakes
Mid-afternoon Mid-morning
45 min




Marble mini cakes

1. To start with, in a bowl, mix the butter and sugar.

2. Add the eggs and beat lightly.

3. Pour the cream into the mixture and stir.

Marble mini cakes

4. Add the sifted flour with the baking powder and salt.

5. Next, we separate 1/3 of the dough to make the chocolate part of the marble cake. Add the melted chocolate and cocoa powder to this part. Mix it well so that it is homogeneous.

6. Fill two pastry bags, one with the white dough and the other with the chocolate dough.

Marble mini cakes

7. Grease and flour the mini-Bundt cake moulds. Put a few mounds of the white dough in the moulds and fill the gaps with the chocolate dough. We end up with a little more white dough.

8. Before putting them in the oven, and with the help of a wooden skewer, we mix the masses. Cook the marble cakes at 180ºC for 20 minutes. After the time, let cool in the moulds for 30 minutes and then unmould.


Marble mini cakes

 Place a generous spoonful of Nutella on top of each marble cake and serve.

NUTELLA® is a registered trade mark of Ferrero SpA. Any use of the NUTELLA® trade mark must be authorized by the trade mark owner. Please refer to Ferrero Food Service team and the brand guidelines published on this website for further information on any intended commercial use.