World Nutella® Day

World Nutella® Day

Celebrate World Nutella® Day with Ferrero Foodservice and get your FREE World Nutella Day kit today!

Get ready to celebrate World Nutella® Day on 5th February 2024 with FREE goodies.

To help you prepare for World Nutella® Day and beyond we’re giving you an exclusive World Nutella® Day Kit, to help you benefit from the big brand power of Nutella®. In the kit you’ll find the handy tools you’ll need to help boost profits on World Nutella® Day, including our 5kg Jar Display Unit and World Nutella® Day branded cups!


We’re proud to work with operators like Crepeaffaire. Find out how they celebrated World Nutella® Day!

Ferrero Crepe Affaire Case Study 1
Ferrero Crepe Affaire Case Study 2

Elevate your breakfast, snacking and dessert selection with the help of the unique and delicious taste of Nutella®! From porridge and pancakes to trifles and peach melba – there’s more to Nutella® than toast!